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More than 90% of cyberattacks are due to human error, mainly due to unconscious wrongdoing. That is why it is of great importance that the awareness and knowledge level of employees in the field of cyber security is up to standard. With cyber security awareness you create this awareness and increase the information security of … Read moreWhy is cyber security awareness important?
In a hyper-connected world where everything moves at lightning speed, it often feels impossible to slow down. After reading through hundreds of questions submitted to me this last two months, I thought this one from Joan McMillan touched upon something everyone can relate to: “HJ, everyone is hustling. How do we know when it’s time … Read moreEntrepreneurship how to…
Your employees are your first line of defense against cyber security attacks. The strength of your security awareness program depends on every employee in your organization. As part of your organizational goals and plans for 2021, you need to prioritize building a cyber secure and aware culture. This requires an ongoing commitment from every manager, … Read moreThe Importance of Cyber Security Awareness
Yes, we are now in a world, which only seems to be victual, not reality, the “old normal” is gone, and instead we are living now in a “remote” controlled world, in which personal interaction seems to be no longer normal. God would turn around and would not agree with this since it was never … Read moreThe stubbornness of a Government.
U wilt iets verkopen via Marktplaats en een geïnteresseerde koper vraagt of u eerst via een betaalverzoek één cent kunt overmaken, zogenaamd om uw betrouwbaarheid als verkoper te controleren. Wees voorzichtig: dit ‘onschuldige’ verzoek kan u zomaar duizenden euro’s kosten. Geld overmaken naar anderen is door populaire apps als Tikkie een fluitje van een cent … Read moreTIKKIE, handig zo’n betaalverzoek! Helaas ook voor oplichters!
You want to sell something via Marktplaats and an interested buyer asks if you can first transfer one cent via a payment request, supposedly to check your reliability as a seller. Be careful: this “harmless” request could cost you thousands of dollars. Sending money to others has become a piece of cake with popular apps … Read moreTIKKIE, the Dutch payment method handy such a payment request! Unfortunately for scammers too!
Summary. Companies are pouring millions into “digital transformation” initiatives — but a high percentage of those fail to pay off. That’s because companies put the cart before the horse, focusing on a specific technology (“we need a machine-learning strategy!”) rather than…more A recent survey of directors, CEOs, and senior executives found that digital transformation (DT) risk is their #1 … Read more4. Digital Transformation Is Not About Technology
Digital transformation is still seen too much as a matter of soloed and ad hoc projects with digital transformation maturity remaining quite low. The main focus of many organizations de facto is on internal goals such as automation, process improvement, cost savings, enhanced productivity and fixing gaps in legacy systems and processes. If organizations want to … Read more3. Digital transformation maturity: from internal operations to external limitations
Digital transformation requires a digital transformation strategy that, as any strategy, looks at the goals, current situation and how to move forward on a transformational journey in a way that makes sense and connects the dots. A look at key questions to ask for your digital transformation strategy. Companies across the globe are digitally transforming as … Read more2. Digital transformation strategy: the bridges to build