Security Models
The essence of information security is to protect information. It is just that simple. So whenever possible do not make it more complicated than needed. Complexity for cyber security and privacy arise when information needs to be shared or must be made accessible by some digital device. The world where information was only available in physical archives is long gone. The focus from physical information security is shifted to cyber information security. But be aware: Crucial principles of centuries of physical information protection are still valuable today. Especially principles related to the intangible soft issues when information is shared. Ever wondered how some organizations managed to keep their valuable information secret for many decades?
Information protection is needed against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification or destruction. That means several security measures are needed to protect information from unauthorized viewers. Measures can be implemented by procedural, physical or with complex IT tools. But before classifying and creating or finding good measures it is essential that the problem field is made clear.
Creating a model of the problem situation can do creating effective solutions for information security problems. Within a model all elements that relate with the problem situation are brought together to study effective solutions. Without going into detail on system science or problem solving theory: in general systems consist of sub-systems, objects, functions or processes, and activities or tasks.
The key in creating a good model to solve a specific information security problem is to model the problem, not the complete system with all elements. This because modeling the world completely is ineffective, time consuming and it does not give a direct answer to solve a problem situation. It is far better to start with a small model of a problem and create extensions on this model if needed.
The field of modeling problem situations to solve information security problems is not new. Many models in literature exist. Reusing a good model can save you time and safeguards you from making mistakes. A prerequisite is that you start with a good model that can be trusted and is intensively reviewed by large numbers of subject matter experts.
There are many good security models that can assist in creating a solution architecture to solve a specific security problem for an organization. Mind that a model can be expressed in many different forms. E.g.:
- One or more images;
- Text;
- Software model
Within the field of modeling a distinction can be made between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ models. Hard models are often mathematical (risk) models whereas soft models are more quality-based models. Since using hard models often gives a false sense of reliability and requires full insight of all assumptions made it is more productive to reuse soft security and privacy models. When creating solution architecture, you need:
- A threat model (what are the threats your solution gives protection against)
- Insight in commonly used attack vectors. This means you need to have some view on the attack vectors used in the use case?
Creating a good security or privacy design or architecture means you never ever start with selecting tools for solving your problem! Selecting tools should be the last phase of your security or privacy design phase. You select tools when it is clear that the tool will support in solving your security or privacy problem. Tools alone are never enough to solve security or privacy problems. You need to fit in tools within your security and privacy processes. Several problems exist with many IT security tools that will hit you when you start too soon with the solutions instead of a thorough problem diagnosis and solution design. Wrongly selected security and privacy tools give the following issues:
- High costs;
- Complex challenges to implement and manage;
- Daily administration of a chosen tool set requires significant IT effort while it remains unclear if the tools are effective in reducing security risk;
- Overlap in functionality of security application landscape. More is not always better. To be able to justify the application of security tools for your problem a context specific security architecture should give input to the following questions:
- What is protected with what?
- What are the main threats we need protection against?
- What is not protected by information security policies or tools?
- What is in scope or out of scope for your security architecture? E.g. business continuity management, safety management, financial risk management, daily IT operations, physical (building) security etc. In the end everything has a relation with information security, but you cannot cover all business aspects using an information security architecture document. The key is to focus and keep the scope clear or else complexity will become overwhelming.
- What architecture or design decisions have been made and must be validated explicitly?
- What is the model of your protection? It is far more easy to evaluate and improve a model, than adding new or improved security products continuously. Make sure that within operational security management processes learning and improving are key periodic targets.
- Does the security model cover all crucial security and privacy principles and requirements?
- Are the residual risks when this solution acceptable for the key stakeholders?
IT security in general is seen as a complex problem field, due to the many technical and nontechnical aspects involved. Since 100% information security is impossible, being able to qualify risks is crucial in getting an accepted level of security protection. Good modeling helps you to qualify security and privacy risks.
In general, it is far easier to reuse proven concepts and models when creating your own security model. This way you build on the work of others and using a good model reference will reduce the risk of making crucial mistakes.
This section covers some commonly used models and elements that can be reused when creating a solution for a specific information security problem.
Elements that are presented are attack vectors, some examples of security personas and some great security models that can assist you when creating your security design.
Common attack vectors
Good security is goal oriented. Good security architecture is tailored to your situation. When defining a product or new (IT) service one of the key activity is to define your specific security requirements. Defining requirements is known to be hard, time consuming and complex. Especially when you have iterative development cycles and you do not have a clear defined view of your final product or service that is to be created.
Defining attack vectors within your security requirements documentation is proven to be helpful from the start. Attack vectors will give more focus on expected threats so you can start developing security measures that really matter in your situation from the start.
Attack vectors are routes or methods used to get into information systems. Attacks are the techniques that attackers use to exploit the vulnerabilities in applications. Many attack vectors take advantage of the human element in the system or one of the maintenance activities defined for the system, because that’s often defined as the weakest link.
Within the IT cyber security world many terms and definitions are used. Attack vectors usually require detailed knowledge to judge whether the vector is relevant in a specific situation.
Some attack vectors apply to critical infrastructure components, like NTP or DNS. E.g. in a rogue master attack, an attacker causes other nodes in the network to believe it is a legitimate master. Contrary to spoofing attacks in the Rogue Master attack the attacker does not fake its identity, but rather manipulates the master election process using malicious control packets.
The good news is: The number of possible attack vectors is limited. The bad news is: The ways an attack vector can be exploited is endless. Unless decent security measures are taken to minimize attacks using this specific attack vector. Good designed security solutions are not that complicated and complex after all.
Common attack vectors are:
- Analysis of vulnerabilities in compiled software without source code
- Anti-forensic techniques
- Automated probes and scans
- Automated widespread attacks
- Client validation in AJAX routines
- Cross-site scripting in AJAX
- Cryptographic Performance Attacks
- Cyber-threats & bullying (not illegal in all jurisdictions)
- DoS Attacks
- Email propagation of malicious code
- Executable code attacks (against browsers)
- Exploiting Vulnerabilities
- GUI intrusion tools
- Industrial espionage
- Internet social engineering attacks
- Malicious AJAX code execution
- Network sniffers
- Packet Manipulation
- Packet spoofing
- Parameter manipulation with SOAP
- Replay Attack
- RIA thick client binary vector
- Rogue Master Attack
- RSS Atom Injection
- Session-hijacking
- Sophisticated botnet command and control attacks
- Spoofing
- Stealth and other advanced scanning techniques
- Targeting of specific users
- Web service routing issues
- Wide-scale Trojan distribution
- Wide-scale use of worms
- Widespread attacks on DNS infrastructure
- Widespread attacks using NNTP to distribute attack
- Widespread, distributed denial-of-service attacks
- Windows-based remote access Trojans (Back Orifice)
- WSDL scanning and enumeration
- XML Poisoning
- XPATH injection in SOAP message
It is recommended that you specify in your solution architecture the attack vectors that apply to your use case. Remember to put the explanation of the attack vectors used in an appendix, since not all your stakeholders will know what e.g. ‘Spoofing’ is.
Hosting, hardware, firmware and other invisible threats
Computer security has become much harder to manage in recent years. This is due to the fact that attackers continuously come up with new and more effective ways to attack our systems. But also the emerging trend of Cloud Computing created an extra level of complexity within the field of cyber security and privacy protection.
A commonly wide spread fad is that Cloud Hosting is more secure than on premise. The truth is that it is different. Security principles and all attack vectors still apply. The main factors that make Cloud hosting more complex to manage are:
- Less control
- Technical insight in exact physical and IT security measures are often unknown.
- Influence and control on continuous operational changes on the cloud hosting facilities are not transparent for cloud consumers.
- Trust plays a great role. You must have trust in audit and security reports created by a third party. The advice is to obtain always a right to perform a security audit yourself, but at large cloud hosting providers this is often not allowed.
Whether you use Cloud hosting of host your computer services still on your own data centre all hardware threads still apply.
Since true open source hardware is still seldom seen, currently your valuable information is vulnerable due to the following more hardware related attack vectors:
- BIOS attacks. BIOS is always written to a non-volatile storage device such as an EEPROM
- Firmware attacks
- Physical device tempering. Mostly done by rewiring CPU’s, CPU boards. Famous are of course the attacks on Crypto Devices (HSM’s) but since hardware tempering on normal hardware is so easy you seldom hear how easy hacking on ‘standard’ computer hardware devices is.
- Physical data centers. Your data is not (never) secure in a cloud you do not control or manage.
An attack vector that many people forget to consider is the boot process itself, which is almost completely controlled by the BIOS.
When you are still in control of your own computer hardware, consider overcoming the malicious attacks on BIOS by one the following methods:
- Digital Authentication Method
- Rollback Prevention Method
- Physical Authentication Method
Threads related to hardware are often invisible. This does not mean they don’t exist. Since computer hardware is seldom open, many threads are still not widely known. In order to protect your core information you should always take measures to be able to reduce the likelihood of getting targeted by attack vectors that are hardware related. Many examples exist of poor designed CPU’s, firmware, network devices, storage devices etc. with offers great opportunities to attackers.
Security Personas
Humans are the most important threat to security and privacy.
One of the tools of IT architects and UX designers is to work with so called ‘Personas’. Personas are fictional characters created to represent the different user types that might use a system, website, product or service. Using personas is common practice when dealing with UX design. But when developing a security architecture for a new system, service or website security personas are also valuable to use. Security Personas force you to think different about the goals and behaviour of attackers that are going to hit your system.
Security Personas identify the user motivations, expectations and goals responsible for driving bad behaviour. Of course not all personas will behave bad on purpose. Sometimes mistakes on the use of the system or social engineering will affect the way a persona can compromise your system.
Benefits of Personas
Personas help to focus and help to make design decisions concerning IT components by adding a layer of real-world consideration to the conversation. They also offer a quick and inexpensive way to test and prioritize those features throughout the development process. In addition, they can help:
- Stakeholders and management to discuss architecture building blocks to protect your system.
- Information architects develop informed secure wire-frames knowing possible interface behavior.
- System security engineers/developers to decide which approaches to take based on user behaviors.
- Testing
For security personas it is good to outline:
- Demographics such as age, education, ethnicity, and family status.
- The goals and tasks they are trying to complete using the system (or website),
- Their physical, social, and technological environment.
- Responsibilities: As implemented in future Identity and access management system, but also the formal organization responsibilities belong to the role within the organization.
Defining security personas is not hard. Some examples of security personas:
- Employee
- Visitor (in person)
- Internet visitor (web)
- Administrator
- Manager
- Director/CEO
- Angry customer
- Competitor/rival
- Neighbors
Use security personas in your security architecture so the proposed security measures can be designed more in depth and evaluated since the security personas are part of your security model. The list given in this section can be used as starting point to expand the personas for your context more in depth.
Threat Models
This section is not about teaching you how to model you specific security or privacy solutions. By now you know that your model should be built out of attack vectors, security personas and security and privacy principles and requirements. The next chapter of this reference architecture deals with reusable principles in depth. First we present valuable models that can be reused when created a security or privacy solution architecture.
Security threat modeling, or threat modeling, is a process of assessing and documenting a system’s security risks. Security threat modeling enables you to understand a system’s threat profile by examining it through the eyes of your potential attackers. Your security threat modeling efforts also enable your team to justify security features within a system, or security practices for using the system, to protect your corporate assets.
Many ways exist to build a threat model but in essence a threat model is a conceptual model that:
- Helps to understand a situation and
- Is helpful in reducing security or privacy concerns. So helpful in solving your security problem.
A security or privacy conceptual threat model is usually built of relevant elements and their relations that matter in a security problem situation.
In general, a conceptual model is constructed based on a specific problem situation you want to solve. In our case the aim is to outline important concepts regarding security and privacy. So our collection of conceptual models is aimed at generic reuse.
Since the real-world problems of security and privacy are outlined in a large number of publications, within this section we only present conceptual models that are based on the following selection criteria:
- Generic use;
- Non-commercial;
- Open.
With open we mean that the institute or company created the model has an open process that allows everyone to improve the model. Of course open is not always really open without borders and thresholds. Even the open group is not really open for public participation, since large memberships fees form a threshold. The OWASP foundation is however one of the best examples on how open should be. That is open license on content (common creative) and no impediments and no requirements for participants who want to join the working groups.
For security and privacy many models exist. Most models are aimed for evaluating risks for auditors and other stakeholders. In the sections below a collection of (almost open) security and privacy models.
Privacy Management Reference Model
The Privacy Management Reference Model and Methodology (PMRM) of the OASIS group can help you with:
- Analysis the impact of new privacy use cases for your company.
- Designing operational privacy management services.
- Improving services that need to be compliant with the GDPR.
- Determining use and requirements of security services from a privacy view point.
- Gives input for developing privacy solution architecture.
When developing privacy architecture it makes sense to investigate if audit and control functions for privacy can be combined with security services and processes that are already in place.
This model is particularly relevant to evaluate use cases in which personal information (PI) flows across regulatory, policy, jurisdictional, and system boundaries.
More in-depth information regarding this model can be found on the OASIS site (see references).
Privacy Management Model
A privacy management model outlines how management the various processes needed for privacy can be categorized.
Based upon the key processes in every solution architecture a view of the various processes should be outlined. With the use of a process overview topology it is easier to map overlap between privacy, security and general IT and risks processes and departments.
NIST Security framework
Whenever you feel the need to draw a process regarding security or risk processes: resist the temptation! The US based NIST organization is a well-known governmental organization that offers great publications on all thinkable subjects regarding security.
One of the simplest, yet most frequently model is displayed here below.
On the NIST site (see references) you can find in-depth information regarding all sub functions of this security framework. The experience is, is that it is far better to check what in your use case needs special attention. If you ever feel the need to create your own security framework, think again. In essence all come down to the high level framework described by the NIST organization. Using a broad used security framework has a number of advantages:
- Easier communication with stakeholders;
- Easier knowledge and experience transfer between security experts of different organization;
- Saves time, time you can use to solve the real context specific issues regarding practice use and implementation of the security functions.
Jericho Security Model
The Jericho(tm) Security architecture model is built upon principles. The advantages of using the Jericho model for security are:
- A security architecture model built upon the Jericho conceptual model is built around maintaining flexibility and protects the most important security objects for the stakeholders.
- Integration: Easier to build secure processes with other companies and trusted partners.
- Simplifies use of public networks and cloud solutions
- Aimed for use of open principles and open solution building blocks.
Unfortunate the Jericho framework is not a real open security framework. It is copyrighted by the open group (see references chapter for more information on this model). There are trademarks involved and all publications are copyrighted. However due to the work of many we can make use of the developed knowledge within the Jericho working group. The Jericho Forum®, a forum of The Open Group, was formed in January 2004 and is no longer active. However, the approach of this forum towards security is still alive.
Security Architecture Landscape (OSA)
Thanks to the Open Security Architecture (OSA) group there is a real open security landscape ( All OSA material is CC by sa licensed, which means you can freely use and improve it.
Below is the OSA Security architecture landscape:
Source: OSA (
The OSA Security architecture is based on patterns. Which mean for every pattern defined the aim of the community was/is to develop a standardized solution description? Unfortunate the OSA community is not very active anymore; so all IT security patterns around cloud are not yet incorporated.
For a number of reasons we have chosen not to use patterns in this security and privacy reference architecture. However in some cases using patterns can give an advantage. (See the Introduction; section ‘What about security patterns?’ for more information).
Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM)
The Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) is an open framework to help organizations formulate and implement a strategy for software security that is tailored to the specific risks facing the organization. SAMM is useful resource if you are working on a process architecture that is needed to control all kind of aspects of software security. Our advice is to take the processes as defined in SAMM as point of departure within your security process design documentation. Formulating processes yourself in not productive, so use this valuable source of information instead of reinventing the wheel.
To get the baseline situation of your security process architecture fast in scope, you can use a SAMM self-assessment test (see APPENDIX). Using a self-assessment test you can get a very quick overview on the status of the IT security processes within your organization. SAMM is an OWASP project.
SAMM will aid in:
- Evaluating an organization’s existing software security practices
- Building a balanced software security assurance program in well-defined iterations
- Demonstrating concrete improvements to a security assurance program
- Defining and measuring security-related activities throughout an organization
As an open project, SAMM content shall always remain vendor-neutral and freely available for all to use.
Source: OWASP
Reuse of the SAMM process and usage should be encouraged. This OWASP project is like all OWASP projects a real open project. All content is available under a Creative Commons License (by-sa). If you want to improve this SAMM framework, OWASP is a real open foundation where everyone can participate without borders. Also all communication and collaboration is truly open.
The SAMM model was first aimed at evaluating the status of software security within an organization. However due to the use in practice the framework can also be used to improve many other aspects surrounding security and privacy.
Security within the SDLC process
The view below (source OWASP) is a model of how security fits into the SDLC (Software Development and Lifecycle) process. Within almost every solution architecture you should take the SDLC into account to position where your solution fits and how maintenance is positioned within the SDLC phases.
Security and privacy should be embedded in the SDLC process. Always. The OWASP conceptual model of the (simplified) SDLC chain shows on high level where security activities hit the SDLC process.
IoT Threat Model
We should be happy: The IoT (Internet of Things) is not everywhere present yet. When IoT is migrated from fiction to reality, security and privacy will be under enormous risks.
Internet-of-Things is a result of a technical revolution, which reflects with future computing and communications including existing and evolving Internet. Over the time Internet technologies have evolved, and become Internet of Things. With the advent of this paradigm the dream to convergence everything, and everyone under a single umbrella has come true. Machine-to-machine (M2M), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), context-aware computing, wearable’s, ubiquitous computing, and web-of-things all are considered to be seamlessly integrated into a global information network, which has the self configuring capabilities based on standard and inter-operable communication protocols.
Below a generic threat model for the IoT world:
Note the view is not complete. Missing these views are:
- IDS, pentest tools, correlation tools etc (or under system security)
This IoT thread model and views are good for addressing the following areas in more detail in your security solution:
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Availability
- User Management
- Network Security
- Key Management
- Security Management
- Governance
- Risk
- Regulation
- Audit
- Access Control
- Standards for Interoperability
NIST Cloud Computing Security model
Sooner or later you will be creating a solution or privacy architecture where cloud hosting plays a significant part. The NIST cloud computing security reference model is a very good model to use as reference.
Mobile Threat model
Since mobile is everywhere, you should always take mobile threats serious in your solution architecture. Even if you think you have a special gateway for mobile traffic, most devices are always vulnerable for mobile threads.
The model presented here below can help in identifying the threads.
DDoS model
DDoS attacks are hard to prevent. However, every security or privacy architecture should take DDoS attacks into account. This to design solution that are more resistant against the easy DDoS attacks.
Problems due to DDoS Attacks: – DDoS attack is an attempt to make a systems inaccessible to its legitimate users. – DDoS, by which not only the intended computer, but also the entire network suffers, may consume the bandwidth of the Internet and a LAN unwontedly. – Slow network performance (opening files or accessing web sites) due to DDoS attacks. – Unavailability and inability to access a particular web site due to DDoS attacks.
The model below gives DDoS attack taxonomy. This can be useful if you are designing solutions to be more resilient against DDoS attacks.
OAuth 2.0 Threat Model
Using the OAuth protocol gives you many advantages. And since this protocol is open you can save a lot of time when making use of the OAuth Threat Model when using OAuth in your use case. A detailed description of the thread model is found in RFC 6819 ( ).
In the picture below the visual of the threat model, where the numbers are references to the section in the IETF RFC.
OAuth 2.0 threat model.