Best way to reduce cost for your recruiting needs?

First of all, let me introduce myself first, I am Dr. Ir. Henk Jan Jansen, Head recruiting of Passport Business Engineering (RPO) Services.

Who We Are:

“Passport Business Engineering (RPO) Services”


100% DEDICATED to your needs

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Do you want to know how recruitment process outsourcing can reduce cost? Read this blog post to find out the best way in which Passport Business Engineering RPO services can help you to save on recruitment cost.

With the recent recession, there has been a huge change in the recruiting demand for most businesses, causing enterprises to re-assess their cost structure and recruitment process. Here are three ways by which recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) can help your business reduce cost, while adding business value.

1.Reduced cost through shared risks

During a downturn, the recruiting needs may suddenly drop, while minimizing a company’s need for recruiting staff. Similarly, when a business expands into a new region in the world or a new product category, recruitment needs may spike up. Outsourcing RPO can enable your company to pass along the cost of the risk of the resources to the service provider. Your RPO firm will take on the entire responsibility of adjusting the resource levels, during hiring fluctuations, so that the your company does not have to bear the burden of being short when more resources are needed or carrying unnecessary staff during business downturns.

2. Faster time to recruitment

Time equals to money and recruiting new professional level employees can cost you more in terms of both. Right from sourcing resumes to carrying out interviews or negotiating new offers, acquiring a new employee can take its toll on your internal resources. Also, if a position remains unfilled, your company can lose the benefit of that employee’s contribution. You could also be wasting resources that can be dedicated to other business initiatives. Outsourcing RPO services can help you reduce your time and cost.

3. Streamlined hiring processes

Most companies deal with a disjointed and uncoordinated recruitment process across their departments, divisions, regions and organizational functions. This often leads to an overlap in training, advertising and on-boarding procedures. It could also lead to poor recruitment decisions and high operational costs.

Outsourcing RPO services can help you examine your current recruitment process, find out where you are spending excessive cost and get to know the inefficient practices that may exist. An RPO service provider can assess such problems and provide you with a solution to reduce your overall cost.

Passport Business Engineering Recruitment rpo can increase reduces your cost with every hire. Read more about how RPO services can benefit your organization.

Passport Business Engineering is a (RPO) Recruitment Process Outsourcing company. Our Management has experience for over 10+ yrs. in Recruitment & Staffing industry and has been helping firms like yours across the Europe*/USA/UK to provide Outsourced Recruiting Services and saving you substantial cost and headaches of managing a staff or a team. I just wanted to check whether you could spare some time with me so that I can brief you about Passport Business Engineering and opportunity to learn a little about your business and to discuss how Passport Business Engineering can help with your company’s Staffing & recruitment needs & CUT COSTS BY UPTO 70%!!

(* Europe is 1st USA 2nd and UK 3rd)

For over 10+ years of expertise, organizations that look for the best talent pool have relied on our services. We have the management & recruiters with our proven track record in Recruitment & staffing industry, Passport Business Engineering is dedicated, determined and workaholic and will be a strategic partner for many of the top Fortune, mid sized and small companies.

What We Do:

Passport Business Engineering RPO Services provides comprehensive-recruiting services for a low monthly flat fee DEDICATED 100% to your needs. We provide at no additional cost to you, for your dedicated person, use of all major job boards. Our Recruiters cost significantly lower than hiring in-house recruiters. They are qualified recruiters with diverse background and have 10 years of experience and are committed to helping you find the best technical talent in a wide array of industries. They are skilled in use of various job boards as well as Internet search techniques. We have a pool of technology resumes in our internal database. Our Recruiters are also equipped with access to premium job boards, which translates into further savings for you. We can deliver the right candidate for every role within 24 – 48 hours within Europe, US and UK.

 What you get:

·      No Payroll/ No Phone/Electricity/Internet/ Bills.

·      Office Space with excellent infrastructure.

·      Graduates with Computers background and excellent Communication & verbal skills.

·      Access to All Major Job Boards.

·      Access to in-house Huge Database service with Pipeline candidates.

·      No more cost working for extended hours & 24/7 availability.

·      Daily Updates and Weekly Reports with SLA.

Specialized industries:

·      Information Technology

·      Automotive

·      Premises and infrastructure Security (ISO 2700x, GDPR/DSGVO, BDSG)

·      Healthcare

·      Banking

·      Insurance

·      Medical

·      Pharmaceuticals

·      Accounting & Finance

·      Clerical & Sales

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