My intention when I came to the UAE to participate in the build of this country.
Now several years later I have my sincere doubts about this and not see any progress coming soon.
I still remember myself the words of His Hines to create more jobs and a happy family life, now we re already 6 months in this pandemic and there is no help for people with unpaid leave or even laid off by the company, which should have a disaster process in place in case something like this should ever happen, seems so many companies are Failing in this.
The UAE is a great nation, and I believe we can build this up once again we only have to work together and help them who are in need.
Abu Dhabi has put in place a new system to allow people to enter the emirate.
Drivers are permitted to cross the border if they can show police the results of a negative Covid-19 test.
There are exceptions – for goods vehicles, for example, and specific government workers.
On Tuesday, officials said that the emirate had “achieved a low number of patients requiring hospital treatment” with many facilities now free of cases but this decline in cases required continued testing and restrictions on movement to avoid further infections.
Authorities said the decision is part of a set of preventive measures and aims to support the emirate’s National Screening Programme with the objective of reducing infections.
How does the system work?
Restrictions on movement into Abu Dhabi have been in force since June 2 to stem the spread of coronavirus. A permit system allowed people to enter in some circumstances.
Now, the emirate will allow people to enter if they can prove they are Covid-free.
Anyone crossing the border, including on Sheikh Zayed Road and Al Ain Road, among others, will be stopped at police checkpoints.
Abu Dhabi has updated its travel rules to allow residents to take 48-hour trips outside the emirate.
Motorists must be tested in the city before they leave and take their results with them.
Previously, residents could leave Abu Dhabi but had to be screened before returning, at a clinic in Dubai or the Northern Emirates, to prove they were Covid-free.
Police at the border must check text message confirmation from testing centers or the government’s Al Hosn tracing app to ensure all drivers and any passengers are negative.
Seems privacy is of no importance anymore
Those leaving Abu Dhabi for short periods may visit a screening Centre in the emirate to conduct a Covid-19 test before departing and present the result on return,” Abu Dhabi Government Media Office said.
Commuters traveling into Abu Dhabi from other emirates must still be tested before they arrive at the border.

How much does it cost to get a test?
It depends where you go.
A test at a government-run drive-through Centre costs Dh370 to most people, but it is free to some.
People who can be tested free of charge include pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, the disabled and anyone over the age of 50. It is also free for anyone who has come into contact with someone who has the virus and those who are presenting symptoms of Covid-19.
Costs vary at private clinics.
Aster Hospitals charge Dh500 for a PCR test for someone showing no symptoms of coronavirus, with results screened in a private lab.
Aster Clinics, part of the same medical chain, charge Dh330 for the same PCR test.
Because results take between 24 and 48 hours to return, the group has not yet reported a spike in demand for tests.
VPS Healthcare, which includes all Burjeel and Medeor hospitals and clinics, charges Dh370, as does Mediclinic’s various facilities and any Seha screening Centre.
At the height of the Covid-19 crisis, VPS carried out 4,000 PCR tests per day, which has now fallen to about 2,000 per day.
Asked about how testing every two days could become costly to commuters, the Abu Dhabi Emergency Crisis and Disasters Committee for Covid-19 said they recommended people travel between Abu Dhabi and other emirates only if necessary.
“The decision is not aimed at increasing your expenses. We call on everyone to commit and not go out unless it is necessary. But there are families who wish to leave Abu Dhabi and, as this is a personal decision, they must consequently bear the cost of this matter,” the authority said.
Who is expected to use the system?
Anyone who needs to be in Abu Dhabi for work or meetings from this week.
Abu Dhabi residents travelling to Dubai and the Northern Emirates, for work or leisure, would have to get tested before they return.
Anyone in a vehicle attempting to enter Abu Dhabi will need to present a medical certificate, except for children under 12. Domestic workers must also have a valid medical certificate to enter the emirate.
All cars will be stopped at the border to ensure compliance with the measure.
“People who commute daily are advised to organize their time so they are able to take the test and obtain the result within the 48hr time period to be able to enter,” said a statement released by the Abu Dhabi Government.
“People who ordinarily commute daily to Abu Dhabi are advised to reduce or limit their movement during this time, in order to protect themselves and their families from the risk of infection.”
Authorities recommended the public stay at home whenever possible. They must also consider how long it will take to get an appointment for a test and a result before planning any journeys, they said.
The 48-hour validity begins on receipt of the result, which may take up to five days to process.
An Example:
Abu Dhabi resident Ms. Emma Button left the capital on Monday morning to attend a civil court case in Dubai. When she attempted to return five hours later, shortly after the new rule came into force, she was denied entry.
She applied for a permit under the old system to return to Abu Dhabi that afternoon, but was rejected. She drove to Dubai anyway.
“The court said don’t worry about your permit, show that to the border control,” she said.
“I got to the border on the way back and was told they had changed the rules that morning so you now have to have a Covid-19 test.”
Ms. Button returned to Dubai, got a Covid test at a hospital on Tuesday, and was awaiting the results.
This is now what I am saying always from the UAE, there is NO clear communication and the only purpose is to control people.
Ms. Shelina Jokhiya, 40, from the UK, owns Declutter Me in Dubai, which works with companies to organize their offices. She has been waiting to visit three Abu Dhabi clients, and is now weighing up whether it is possible to see them in person.
“We thought with Abu Dhabi opening I could go, but it won’t work with doing the test each time I go for a client session,” she said.
“I could stay in Abu Dhabi but that will cost extra money.”
This morning, I drove to Dubai to deal with my landlord to settle the rent, which was overdue duo the fact that I am also on unpaid leave and not have any type of income since February 2020.
When we came to the police checkpoint the police officer told me that I needed a new permit and send me back all the way to Dubai, while I was almost home. I was asking the officer why they only check the traffic flow from Dubai to Abu Dhabi he could not give me an answer then only telling me to be quit, which is a rude way to approach or even answer a simple question.
The reason, I was asking this was because from Dubai to Abu Dhabi they checking but not from Abu Dhabi to Dubai which, really does not make any sense in my honest opinion.
So now the calculation
If 4,000 PCR tests per day a Dh370 = Dh1.480.000 per checkpoint a day
There are 12 checkpoints, so the total sum will be Dh17.760.000 million a day sins 2nd of June 2020 the Government made Dh2.148.960.000 miljard revenue on the cost of residence expats and locals.
The current amount is reducing itself sins a lot of people have in the meanwhile a “permit” still they make a lot of money per day.
So now you think and see that every government is misusing their citizen and obtaining millions, while the working class is been treated like a cash slave. Salaries been cut in half since the start of this pandemic, doing the same type of work for half the money and demanding that you stay to the company you work so long for, this is not the time anymore of slavery and does certainly not deserve any form of respect. Still saying that the Government is not making money from this situation and for this they are using their law enforcement great job.