Workplace Privacy, Data Management & Security Report

The implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), was effective date of May 25, 2018, is just around the corner, and with it will come pressure on the human resources (HR) department to update its approach to handling employee data. The GDPR significantly enhances employee rights in respect to control over their … Read moreWorkplace Privacy, Data Management & Security Report

Digital Transformation Series

Part one Digital Transformation Part two RPA Part three Rise of the Machines Part four RFID Part five Is Digital Transformation Really So Special?

Digital Transformation Approach Part 1

By Prof. Dr. Ir. Henk Jan Jansen This is the series for “Digital Transformation” approach, failures and many more… Part one: This blog,“Digital Transformation Approach” Part two: “Robotic Process Automation (RPA)” You can also download a pdf file to read this in all comfort at home or during travel

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Part 2

RPA robots are capable of mimicking many–if not all–human user actions. They log into applications, move files and folders, copy and paste data, fill in forms, extract structured and semi-structured data from documents, scrape browsers, and more. What are the business benefits of RPA? Robots are here to stay. The faster you harvest their potential, … Read moreRobotic Process Automation (RPA) Part 2

Rise of the Machines: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Part 3

AI: Not artificial anymore. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into business processes creates an intriguing prospect. With finance being one of the most critical functions of an enterprise, CFOs should understand and leverage AI and ML to provide real time insights, inform decision making and drive efficiency across the enterprise There is … Read moreRise of the Machines: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Part 3

Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR): An Introduction Part 4

Digital forensics and incident response is an important part of business and law enforcement operations. It is a philosophy supported by today’s advanced technology to offer a comprehensive solution for IT security professionals who seek to provide fully secure coverage of a corporation’s internal systems. For this reason, many businesses are turning to DFIR to … Read moreDigital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR): An Introduction Part 4

Is Digital Transformation Really So Special? Part 5

There are multiple dimensions through which we can view the challenges of digital transformation (DT). Although the concept and its implications have been discussed for quite a few years now, there is still confusion on a very basic level. Which issues are genuinely related to DT, and which are just ordinary adaptations leveraging technological advancements … Read moreIs Digital Transformation Really So Special? Part 5

What’s Wrong with Signal, Whatsapp, Telegram, Protonmail, Tutanota?

I’m a public interest technologist. I’m here to educate. You are losing your Internet privacy and Internet security every day if you don’t fight for it. Your data is collected with endless permanent data mining. Learn about a TOR router, a VPN, antivirus, spyware, firewalls, IP address, Wi-Fi triangulation, data privacy regulation, backups and tech … Read moreWhat’s Wrong with Signal, Whatsapp, Telegram, Protonmail, Tutanota?

What is Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus which may cause illness in animals or humans.  In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. First identified in a cluster with pneumonia symptoms in Wuhan city, Hubei province of China. What are the symptoms … Read moreWhat is Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

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