GDPR Solution, The Smart Way…

GDPReady™  CYBER SECURITY IS A VERY REAL BUSINESS RISK, NOT JUST A TECHNOLOGY PROBLEM’ UNDER GDPR, BREACH COSTS WILL SOAR The GDPReady™ is available now General Data Protection Regulation COMPLIANCY There will be new requirements on where data is processed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is set to replace the Data Protection Directive 95/46/ec … Read moreGDPR Solution, The Smart Way…

Accelerate Your Response to EU General Data Protection Regulation The Smart Way…

In the meanwhile we are aware of the ongoing GDPR. Let me introduce as stated in my former blog a fast track for implementing the Triple’A and GDPR protecting and compliancy And this time the smart way… Ok before we get started first something why we have to do all of this; EU General Data … Read moreAccelerate Your Response to EU General Data Protection Regulation The Smart Way…

Cyber Resilience It’s not a fairytale but reality…

We all hearing in our childhood from the fairytale from Anton Pieck the tale of Tom Thumb (Dutch: Klein Duimpje) You can remember what this little guy could do with these giant boots and how fast he could walk with this. Imagine that you had these giant boots and could make seven giant big steps … Read moreCyber Resilience It’s not a fairytale but reality…

No 100% awareness of Cyber and Data Security within many companies worldwide

What Causes An Information Security Program to Fail? In my personal opinion, it seems that a lot of companies worldwide do not want to invest in Data nor Cyber Security. because it is so expensive that is what the perception is at the moment. But nothing is more unreal that the current image. Most successful, … Read moreNo 100% awareness of Cyber and Data Security within many companies worldwide

Trust Is a Necessity, Not a Luxury

Mapping Certificate and Key Security to Critical Security Controls I travel all over the world to meet with CIOs and CISOs and discuss their top-of-mind concerns. Our discussions inevitably return to the unrelenting barrage of trust-based attacks. Vulnerabilities like Heartbleed and successfully executed trust-based attacks have demonstrated just how devastating these attacks can be: if … Read moreTrust Is a Necessity, Not a Luxury

The SANS 20 Critical Security Controls

Mapping the SANS 20 to NIST 800-53 to ISO 27002 The SANS 20 Overview SANS has created the “20 Critical Security Controls” as a way of providing effective cyber defense against current and likely future Internet based attacks. Following these 20 controls will help establish, in their words, a “prioritized baseline of information security measures … Read moreThe SANS 20 Critical Security Controls

What are the SANS 20 Critical Security Controls

The 20 critical controls (I’ll call them the “Controls” from here on out) talk about four tenets: Offense informs defense: Use knowledge of actual attacks that have compromised systems to provide the foundation to build effective defenses. Metrics: Establish common metrics to provide a shared language for executives, IT specialists, auditors, and security officials to … Read moreWhat are the SANS 20 Critical Security Controls

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